Hootsuite Experience

Hootsuite: A Trusted Social Media Scheduling Tool - HVMA Social Media


Hootsuite was an eye opening experience of how easy and creative it can be to organize multiple social media platforms as a collective. I had never heard of Hootsuite before this class, it is almost a must for any organization that has or wants a social media presence for their business. The simplicity of their program can be learned by anyone and can help expand posts to such a larger market, all while being monitored together on the platform. It also allows for team members to be assigned different workloads so work can be distributed when not everyone is in the same location, there is also the ability to message other team members in groups or directly. Being able to schedule posts ahead of time is also a very impactful and awesome feature. Knowing the platform of Hootsuite can open up job opportunities and a better understanding of managing multiple social media platforms. 
