Could disc golf be in the Olympics?

Disc golf is a great sport that could be adopted into in Olympic games. Disc golf is played with a disc golf frisbee that is a little smaller than a traditional frisbee. The rules are based around the same rules as golf. Each hole having par within a stroke play rule set, the “hole” in disc golf is a metal chain basket. I’ve played a lot in my life and I've especially played a lot since I moved to Colorado. It is a great way to get a fun and easy exercise in your day and anyone can play. It can be played in a very recreational way as well as a very competitive way. Another great thing is that most courses are public and free which makes it such a great global sport with easy access. It can be easily played anywhere and in any climates. There are already very competitive leagues like the PDGA, which is already an international organization having connections with countless countries and events worldwide. 

2015 PDGA International Guide Released | Professional Disc Golf Association

 It would also be very cool to see the designs of the courses made at the home countries of the Olympics too. It would be a very small part of the Olympic budget and could be a very exciting and creative event. Qualifications could be done in conjunction with the PDGA and other global oversight organizations. Giving Disc golf the platform of the Olympics would boost the sport into a lot of new countries and areas. Disc golf already has a following and is at most parks in American towns. Disc golf occasionally appears on ESPN’s top ten plays and gets a lot of exposure on social media. With such a universal rule-set it would easily be able to transition into an olympic rule-set.

Hitting the Line: Tips on Proper Disc Golf Shot Alignment – Discmania Store
